MusicMaster Scheduling
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Product Comparison

Professional Professional Client Server Client Server
Which Product?
Professional BroadcasterRecommended
Professional Broadcaster with centralized management of multiple stations using a single Enterprise libraryRecommended
Non-Commerical or Small Commercial Broadcast
Individual or hobbyist
Overall Database Structure
Number of Stations that can be maintained and scheduledUnlimitedUnlimited
Multi-station, Enterprise library maintenance
Create Master, Enterprise, database
Conversion of data1
Database configured with fields for your needs
Ability to Clone data
Ability to have multiple instances of the program running at once
Ability to add fields to database at a later time (via support plan or incident)
SQL Server Support
Client-Server architecture
Library Features
Manage and Create Music and Non-Music
Manage and Create Categories
Manage and Create Attributes
Manage and Create Packets
Manage and Create Trivia
Enterprise database management
Field Overrides
Single Song designated for multiple categories
Song List Editor
Chart Editor
Ability to listen to your songs (after linking to your audio files)TBA
Clock Features
Manage and Create Clocks
Manage and Create Format Lists
Manage and Create Multiple Assignment Grids
Format Scheduler
Manage and Create Lognotes
Virtual Break Editor
Rule Features
Rule application to all categories
Rule folders for category groups
Ability to Create Rule Groups to apply rules with specific criteria
Optimum Goal Scheduling™
Scheduling Features
Check the Log to look for rule violations
Gold Recycling
Print Logs
Recap Report to review Scheduled Log
Shift Editor
Unscheduling a Log (or partial log)
Ability to take a History Snapshot to compare log changes
Schedule multiple stations at the same time
Analysis and History Capabilities
Special Library Reports
Special History Reports
History Browser
Turnover Analysis
Link the History of various versions of the same song
Interface Capabilities
Export Library
Export Scheduled Log
Export Log to HTML
Export to Affiliate Log Option
Import from Network Log Option
Reconcile Scheduled Log
Support for real time integration with Nexus
Synchronize data with third-party software
Import of Traffic data
Tech Talk
API Customization
64-bit CPU support and optimization
Unicode Support
Works on Windows™ 7 and higher
Ability to set up password protection
Ability to set up group password protection
Change log indicating how data was adjusted
Notifications on data changes
24/7 Support Access
Personal Support Agent3
Pricing Structure

1 Conversion of existing data is possible for an additional fee. Conversions vary based on the data source. Please contact us for more information.

3 Available and included with most subscription plans.